Project Victims in Europe - The project aims to review the implementation of the Framework decision in a comprehensive fashion. This project promoted by Portuguese Victim Support organisation APAV, on behalf of Victim Support Europe, had the special participation, as partners and members of the project core group: Victim Support Europe, InterVICT (The Netherlands); Weisser Ring (Germany); Bíly Kruh Bezpecí (Czech Republic) and Victim Support Malta (Malta). Project Victims in Europe had also 12 member organisations from Victim Support Europe as partners, namely: Fehér Gyuru Közhasznu Egyesület (Hungary); Victim Support Scotland (Scotland); Brottsofferjourernas Riksförbund (Sweden); Victim Support Northern Ireland (Northern Ireland); Steunpunt Algeemen Welzijnswerk (Belgium); Pomoc Obetiam Násilia (Slovakia); Weisser Ring Austria (Austria); Supporting Victims of Crime and Combating Corruption Foundation (Bulgaria); INAVEM (France); Slachtofferhulp Nederland (The Netherlands); Victim Support England & Wales (England); Victimology Society of Serbia (Serbia).
For more information you can check the project web page:
Project Victims in Europe
Project Victims in Europe
The final report is available now. For more information check the section "Helping professionals".